Paper Machine
Print & Publish
Location : New Orleans, Louisiana
Client: Antenna, Dashboard
Year : 2017
Status: Completed
Paper Machine is a 5000 sq ft printshop in the Lower 9th Ward housing a range of traditional and cutting edge print technologies, to enhance, amplify, and explore New Orleans's rich printing heritage while providing significant opportunities for artists and residents of the Lower Ninth Ward and beyond.
As a project of Antenna, developed with the assistance of Dashboard, the space opened in 2017, housing the organization's printing and publication efforts, studios for print based artists, a huge Rube-Goldberg-style sculptural print machine, and the Artist Book Collection. Paper Machine offers artist-driven exhibitions, programs, and classes exploring the boundaries of print technologies.
Printing and Publication
Paper Machine houses a printshop that works in both contemporary, cutting edge printing as well as traditional print methods.
Print Machine
The centerpiece of the space’s entrance, a room-sized print machine welcomes people into the space, designed by Chris Deris. The machine produces custom designs representing the history of printing in New Orleans, created by Kiernan Dunn and Amanda Cassingham-Bardwell.